Students at reality fair

The Fillmore Central freshman class took part in the first annual “Reality Fair” event on Wednesday, March 16th. 

This event mimicked the popular board game Life, as students moved throughout a variety of booths focused on important life choices including insurance, transportation, technology, housing, food, and extra spending. Students were given a potential career, salary, age, and education level as they entered. 

At each booth stop, students heard from local community leaders about each area including things to consider and options to choose from in each category. Students kept track of their choices and were responsible for deducting each cost from their provided monthly income. 

To wrap up this event, students were split into small groups to discuss the impacts of their financial choices, hear from teachers about circumstances that could affect future options, and compare choices with classmates who had different scenarios.

The event idea came from agriculture instructor, Kurt VanDeWalle, and was made possible by his student teacher, Miranda Hornung, as her special project for the semester. Special thanks also go to the wonderful booth leaders for sharing their time and expertise with students. Booth leaders were Adam Wallin, Blake Bauer, Steve Schiermeyer, Wyatt Schiermeyer, Karla Jacobson, Tyler Williams, Brittney Patterson, and Tyra Reardon.