On Wednesday, January 15, Fillmore Central FFA members competed in the District 5 Leadership Development Events in York. Gunner G received a blue in Employment Skills;Dakota N rec...
The new high school addition was the venue for the Fillmore Central FBLA sponsored seventh and eighth grade dance on January 10. A good student turnout enjoyed music throughout t...
Congratulations Halle T for being selected to play in the Nebraska Coaches Association All Star Game! The Nebraska Coaches Association All-Star Committee met recently to select...
The Fillmore Central Mock Trial team competed at state competition in Lincoln on December 9th and 10th. This marked the second year in a row that FC has qualified for the state...
The FC Players competed in the Class C1-2 District Play Production contest on December 4, 2019 at Centennial High School. FC finished the day with three superior ratings, and si...
Today is Giving Tuesday!! Please consider making a donation to the Fillmore Central BackPack Program!! Currently we serve 28 families and over 100 students. The cost to provide ...
Eighteen students from Fillmore Central Middle School participated in the school competition of the 2019 National Geographic GeoBee. Winning 1 st place for the 4 th consecutive ...
The Geography Bowl will be taking place on Tuesday, November 26th at 2:30 pm in the Middle School gym. This year's Geography Bowl finalists are Ty Schelkopf and Ryan Schram. Eve...
The Fillmore Central FBLA chapter had 16 members help serve at the Chamber China Luncheon on Saturday, November 9, at the fairgrounds. This was the first time the FBLA members ser...
Dear Parents,
In 2017, more than 1 in 3 Nebraska high school students (36.1%) reported using an electronic vapor product during their lifetime (NE YRBS). To raise awareness am...
Fillmore Central School District was notified by the Fillmore County Sheriff department on Friday, September 20th, that the individual who had offered candy to students while they...
Reminder: School pictures will be on Wednesday, September 11th. Picture packets have been sent home. There are more picture packets available in the office.
The middle school volleyball coaches are excited to have a large number of participants this year. To accommodate playing time for our athletes an additional match has been ad...
Over the years Fillmore Central has had major success in the District Career Development Event held every March at Southeast Community College in Beatrice. These events included c...
Any student that wants to order a letter jacket can follow the instructions in this article. www.mecasportswear.com Letter Jackets Tab > Click Here to Order Online Click ...
Fillmore Central Public Schools is accepting applications for a .5 FTE elementary instructor / .5 PE instructor with possible coaching assignments for the 2019-2020 school year. ...
The Geneva/Fillmore Central Alumni Association will offer a $3000.00 scholarship established for educational assistance of a Geneva/Fillmore Central High School Graduate who plans...
Fillmore Central Elementary would like to provide supplies to the families impacted by the wide-spread flooding happening throughout much of the state of Nebraska. We will be col...