April 10, 2019
Any student that wants to order a letter jacket can follow the instructions in this article. www.mecasportswear.com Letter Jackets Tab > Click Here to Order Online Click ...
March 22, 2019
Fillmore Central Public Schools is accepting applications for a .5 FTE elementary instructor / .5 PE instructor with possible coaching assignments for the 2019-2020 school year. ...
March 21, 2019
The Geneva/Fillmore Central Alumni Association will offer a $3000.00 scholarship established for educational assistance of a Geneva/Fillmore Central High School Graduate who plans...

March 19, 2019
Fillmore Central Elementary would like to provide supplies to the families impacted by the wide-spread flooding happening throughout much of the state of Nebraska. We will be col...
February 28, 2019
The MOMO Challenge is a dangerous social media trend right now. The link below will take you to a website that covers the dangers associated with the challenge, as well as a 6-min...

February 7, 2019
February 4 - 8 has been designated National School Counseling week. The district would like to thank Mrs. Adkisson and Mrs. Betts for all the work they do for our students and st...

February 1, 2019
Fillmore Central FBLA Hold Entrepreneurship Camp
What does the word entrepreneur mean? If you could start any business that exists, what business would you own? These que...

January 14, 2019
All elementary-aged students in Grades 1-4 are invited to attend the FBLA American Enterprise After-School Camp on January 23 from 4-6 p.m. at the City Library. A special book ...
December 21, 2018
Fillmore Central 6th graders modeled the Ugly Christmas Sweaters they decorated this month at today's Rec Rap. The students designed their own sweaters and then did a writing proj...
December 11, 2018
On behalf of the Fillmore Central School District , I would like to thank Tami Scheil, Sherri Nun, and Randy Kleinschmidt for their service as Board Members. Tami served s...

December 10, 2018
Fillmore Central Schools is taking sealed bids for 2 complete half-racks (BFS brand). Each unit will include:
1 half-rack with platform 1 adjustable bench 1 olympic ba...

December 7, 2018
FC competed at the NSAA State Play Production on Thursday, December 6, 2018. "The Trials of Robin Hood" finished 5th place in Class C-1.
Individually, FC had th...

November 20, 2018
The fall Personal Finance classes recently completed a unit on proper job application skills. During this unit, students receive guidance in preparing a job application, resume,...
November 16, 2018
Cross County will be serving Arby's sandwiches during the jamboree basketball games on Tuesday, November 20th.
October 24, 2018
Vaping and Electronic Cigarettes continue to grow in popularity. Please read the article attached below about the current trends among youth, including using JUUL. Vaping

October 11, 2018
Fillmore Central Public Schools recently received the Governor's Wellness Award. FC is one of three hundred businesses throughout the state that have received this award for the ...

August 31, 2018
The Fillmore Central High School gym was packed on August 30 when 7-12 students from Fillmore Central, Shickley, and Exeter-M...